Hey, I Just Bought An Area Rug…And Other Stuff

You know how sometimes you call up a friend just to say hey? Well, that’s kind of all this is. Hey!

area rug
photo credit: A selection of colorful rugs from Posh Living via photopin (license)

I didn’t get a real blog post written this week because I spent too much time binge watching Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt* on Netflix and shopping online for a new area rug after my husband casually mentioned he thought it might be time for a new one. And casually mentioning something like that translates in my head as, “Kelly, I think you should IMMEDIATELY drop everything and spend hours looking at area rugs until you find the perfect one that matches our current decor, but adds just a pop of a new color that we also need new throw pillows for the couch and possibly a new chair. But don’t tell me you’re also shopping for a new chair. Just put a few different options in your wish list basket. And then after we have lived with the new area rug for a month or so and really love it, mention to me that now our chair doesn’t really match the whole new vibe we have going on here. And then I’ll have to say ‘whatever, get a new chair’ …because if you don’t satisfy your obsessive and ongoing need to make over something, you’ll turn your attention to my wardrobe and, damn it, I like my t-shirts from high school with the holes in the armpits.” Continue reading “Hey, I Just Bought An Area Rug…And Other Stuff”

Health, Huffington Post, Hashtags, and a Happy Winner

Today is brought you by the letter H.


I spent most of yesterday in an urgent care facility. I had a little bit of a scare, but long story short, all is well. It’s amazing where your mind can go when the small possibility of something horrible is put in front of you. Thankfully, I only had to go there in my mind and not in real life, but I did learn my lesson about taking it a bit easier on myself…which I have not been doing for a few months now. Ya’ll can break out your tiny violins.

So after getting home, instead of sitting down to my computer to hash out a new and entertaining post for this blog, I climbed into my bed, watched my DVR’ed episode of The Walking Dead, and was asleep by 9:30. It was glorious, on all fronts. I am feeling much better now, which is more than I can say for Grimes & Gang in Zombieville.

However, I do have a few Housekeeping things to mention, the most important of which makes good on a promise from last week. Continue reading “Health, Huffington Post, Hashtags, and a Happy Winner”

Always Check Your Junk Mail Folder

They say you may miss opportunities if you don’t look for them. They say that don’t they? I’m pretty sure they do. If not, they should.

crazy-japanese-inventions-16Sometimes opportunities fall in your lap, like when you’re debating whether you should go to that all-weekend music festival, because last time they ran out of toilet paper, and ew. But then your old college roommate happens to post a link on Facebook, making fun of this mobile toilet paper invention just as you are about to tell your friend Wren you’re going to have to skip Lolla-Roo-Aid-palooza this year. And you post your “Lol. Is that for real?” comment, but then think to yourself, Music festival, here I come. Opportunity totally came knocking at your door. Continue reading “Always Check Your Junk Mail Folder”