Health, Huffington Post, Hashtags, and a Happy Winner

Today is brought you by the letter H.


I spent most of yesterday in an urgent care facility. I had a little bit of a scare, but long story short, all is well. It’s amazing where your mind can go when the small possibility of something horrible is put in front of you. Thankfully, I only had to go there in my mind and not in real life, but I did learn my lesson about taking it a bit easier on myself…which I have not been doing for a few months now. Ya’ll can break out your tiny violins.

So after getting home, instead of sitting down to my computer to hash out a new and entertaining post for this blog, I climbed into my bed, watched my DVR’ed episode of The Walking Dead, and was asleep by 9:30. It was glorious, on all fronts. I am feeling much better now, which is more than I can say for Grimes & Gang in Zombieville.

However, I do have a few Housekeeping things to mention, the most important of which makes good on a promise from last week.

Huffington Post

But first, if you are in the Valentine’s mood and looking for a giggle, I do have a piece that just went up on Huffington Post about the perfect valentine’s for every parent. Please click on over and feel free to give me some comment and sharing love there. You can visit that post HERE.

Happy Winner

absolute mayhem mouse pad
Janine, how will you ever choose?

Now, about that promise. I want to thank everyone who subscribe to my new Weekly Mayhem newsletter! You all rock. I’m looking forward to doing some fun things with it. If you haven’t subscribed but would like to, just go HERE and pop in your email address. It won’t come to you but once a week, at the most. Promise. And as promised, I would like to announce the winner from those of you who did sign up this past week. Congratulations to Janine Huldie (happy coincidence that she fits in with our “H” theme today)! She gets to choose between a signed copy of Absolute Mayhem or a Lulu & Milo mouse pad. Janine also has a super fun blog called Confessions of a Mommyaholic, so you can go congratulate her on her epic win over there. 🙂


#ilovemymayhemLastly, I just want to remind everyone that my #ilovemymayhem campaign is still going on this week. It would make my heart so happy to see your pictures with my book, Absolute Mayhem. You can learn more about the campaign HERE. But the long and short of it: post a photo of you/your kids/your class with the book and the hashtag #ilovemymayhem on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. And don’t forget to tag me! I will compile all pictures into a slide show which will be featured on

Wishing all of you a very Happy Valentine’s Day. Regardless of if you are a fan of the holiday or not, use it as an excuse to eat chocolate. We can all be down with that.


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11 thoughts on “Health, Huffington Post, Hashtags, and a Happy Winner

  1. I am final getting here today and so sorry I wasn’t here sooner. Like you I was urgent care on Sunday as my older daughter has strep and even though she did get an antibiotic it was bothering her stomach. So been a few rough days here, too. But you just made my night and will so email you back with my pick. Thank you!! Hugs and hope you are doing OK now 😉


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