Ugly Christmas Sweater + Billie Jean = Can Not Look Away

Oh Christmas Sweater, Oh Christmas Sweater,
How ugly are your appliques!

I’m not sure if you are aware, but December 12th is National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day. No, you shut up. It really is.

2014-12-11 17.01.41At least, it is according to the “Make the World Better with a Sweater” campaign by the decades old organization, Save the Children. And if people who have been responsible for improving the lives of kids all over the world since 1919 want me to wear an ugly Christmas sweater, I’m going to wear an ugly Christmas sweater. And I’m going to thank Meredith over at Pile of Babies for alerting me to fact that this day even existed. Because if there is anything I love more than wearing my “Bah Hum Pug” sweater vest, it’s helping out kids who are way cuter than it.

So here is how it works. On December 12th, you wear your ugliest of ugly Christmas sweater all the livelong day. Like, everywhere you go. (I bet all of you who have a trip to Walmart on your agenda just breathed a little easier, because you know nobody is going to even look twice at you there. Those of you who have a job interview scheduled, well, you’ll get ’em next time, Tiger.) Then head over to Save the Children and make a simple donation of $5 or more to help support them in their good works. It is the season of giving after all.

Now I will admit that wearing an ugly Christmas sweater all day will be pretty easy for me, seeing as how I am home with two sick kids and won’t have to subject the public to my bad fashion. But as a show of good faith, here is a video of me, for all the world to see, dancing to “Billie Jean” in my ugly Christmas Sweater at a holiday party this past weekend (I have said that I do a commendable Michael Jackson impression for a thirty-something year old white girl):

In addition, I will donate a portion of the proceeds from all copies of Absolute Mayhem that are bought on December 12th to Save the Children. You can find it at or on Amazon.

So go forth, my children. Be ugly. Save a child.


Find out more about National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day at

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18 thoughts on “Ugly Christmas Sweater + Billie Jean = Can Not Look Away

  1. Dang! Why couldn’t yesterday be Ugly Christmas Sweater day??? I just ordered your book yesterday from Amazon! Can it be retroactive? And, yes, you are Michael Jackson personified, but way prettier. 🙂

    Heading over right now to donate! Even though I don’t own an ugly Christmas sweater. They’re funny and cute on thirtysomethings, just sad and pathetic on sixtysomethings.


    1. Wonderful! I personally think anyone can rock the ugly Christmas sweater, but the donation is the really important part of all of this. So thank you! And thank you so much for buying the book! If sales don’t go well today, I may pull some from yesterday 🙂


  2. Ummm… favorite part was learning about the other vids. My favorite? Well, I’m not Your Live-In Maid, of course! You enjoy a level of fun that few achieve in marriage, child-rearing, life…..and for that – you earn the right dance in an ugly sweater to Billie Jean without shame! You go girl!


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