Let’s All Go On a Blog Crawl!

It’s like a bar crawl, only better. You don’t need to get a sitter. You don’t need to tip a bartender. You can do it in your pajamas. And you won’t end up becoming best friends with the porcelain throne afterwards. At least, you shouldn’t.

It’s the ABSOLUTE MAYHEM BLOG CRAWL!!!Absolute Mayhem by Kelly Suellentrop

Guys, I am beyond excited to have a superstar lineup of bloggers helping me to spread the word about Absolute Mayhem this week. Starting today and going through Saturday, you can hop yourselves on over to a new blog to not only read their thoughts on the book, but also enter to win a FREE COPY! That means there are six copies of Absolute Mayhem up for grabs this week. You know you like free books, especially when there are these giant gift-giving occasions literally around the corner.

So here’s how the week is going to look:

Monday (that’s today!): The Waitingcropped-cropped-girl-pink1-1

Head over to see what my favorite Pop Tart enthusiast, Emily, is up to on The Waiting. Em was the perfect person to kick off this Blog Crawl, because it’s pretty clear everyone wants to hang with her. I mean, she is totally the person who would be like, “Hey ya’ll! Let’s dress up like Cousin Eddie and visit every drinking establishment that will have us.” And we would all say, “I’m down with that. Let me grab my tiny bathrobe and black socks,” without batting an eyelash. The good news is, you can simply just click over to blog now, tiny bathrobe or no. And maybe win a free book. So go. Now. I’m serious. Go to there now.

Tuesday: Finding Twindaddyfindingtd

He’s the SuperDad to twin teenagers and the infamous Baby C. He’s our favorite Stormtrooper. And you can find him at Finding Twindaddy. Scott is a prolific blogger with such an amiable way about him, and he will be throwing all kinds of his amiable way all over Absolute Mayhem on Tuesday. And if you are as amiable to him as he is to his readers, you might just win a free book from him. So don’t miss it!

Wednesday: Drifting Through My Open Mindcropped-cropped-img_3399

My girl Gretchen over at Drifting Through My Open Mind has hump day! And reading Gretchen’s sweet and fluid prose is exactly what anyone needs to get them over that hump. She’s the kind of girl you can have long conversations with in a comment section, and come away feeling like you just had coffee with her in real life. To put it simply: she’s awesome. More awesome than Absolute Mayhem. And she’s giving away a book, too! So mark it on your calendar. Hump day is Gretchen Day.

Thursday: Mended Musings10562928_355463304609047_1419711077158664177_n

Every time I read something by Karen at Mended Musings, I want to hug her. She is honest and brave, and she knows how to celebrate the joys in life. She will be celebrating Absolute Mayhem on Thursday, and somehow I just know her review is probably going to make me tear up. In a good way. So don’t forget to visit her then…because, oh, she’s giving away a free book, too. A bonus to also getting to read her writing.

Friday: HomeEc@Home

4913963A friend of mine hooked me up with Faith, who blogs at HomeEc@Home. Guys, she has loads of fantastic recipes and tips for the home. There’s something there for everyone! And not only is she going to be giving away a copy of Absolute Mayhem, but she’s someone you want to keep following. Because she does lots of giveaways of super cool stuff!

Saturday: Refreshingly Riki

1522289_551083721655890_1434457503_nThe blog crawl will wrap things up with a review by Riki at Refreshingly Riki. Not only does she write young adult lit, the girl reads like mad and helps people like me figure out which books to pick up next with her honest reviews. She is a blessing to indie authors like me, and I am so thankful that she not only agreed to review Absolute Mayhem, but also give away a free copy. That’s right…this is your sixth opportunity to win the book this week. So don’t miss it!

I am incredibly grateful to these folks for helping me spread the word. So as a favor, I would love for you to not only visit them on the blog crawl day, but keep returning. Give them a follow. It’s really not a favor at all, because you will be happy you did.

Read some great bloggers. Maybe win a book. I’d say that’s better than tequila shots anyday.

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