What Your Birthday Gifts Say About You

My birthday was last week, and I had a few highlights in the gift department I wanted to share with you all.

First, my daughter gave me this:

garden frog
Is it just me, or does this frog have an unsettling “come hither” look about him?

I know. Or rather, I don’t know. I’m not sure what I’ve been putting out there that would lead my daughter to see a seductively lounging garden frog and decide it is the perfect gift for her mother. At first, I immediately thought, Well, I guess this is my version of the “If Momma Ain’t Happy, Ain’t Nobody Happy” plaque. See, back in the day, my sister and I were at a Cracker Barrel with our grandparents, and my sister saw this plaque that stated “If Momma Ain’t Happy, Ain’t Nobody Happy.” She promptly decided she wanted to buy it for my mom, and she gave it to her as a gift. Of course, my mom thought it was totally ridiculous, but it hung in our house (on a carefully concealed wall, mind you), and it later became a joke amongst our family. But I can at least understand the reasoning behind why my sister would buy that plaque for my mom. As Duck Dynasty as it may be, the sentiment is wholly true. But a sexy garden frog????? For starters, I suck at gardening, and I spend very little time on our flowers and foliage. Maybe she mistook my love for The Monkees as an attraction to all members of the animal kingdom? I mean, I’m just stumped. Needless to say, I’m not heartless, and I DID actually put it in our garden. And I’m working on a name for him. I think I’m trying to decide between Deuce Bigglefrog, Male Gigglefrog or Randy. But I’m open for suggestions.

On the other end of the spectrum, my husband (with the help of my amazingly talented sister-in-law***) gave me a gift that make SO much sense, I should have thought of it myself. I am blown away by his thoughtfulness which keeps raising the bar, and I am touched by the gesture that proves he truly supports me in my passion. THIS is what he gave me:

Oh. My. Lanta. I'm a bumper sticker.
Oh. My. Lanta. I’m a bumper sticker.

That’s right. My husband and my sister-in-law specially designed this bumper sticker for my blog. Which means I’m like the real deal now. I’m a brand. I’m the Stacked Van Blogger.** I don’t even know what to do with myself. (A little teaser: this also gives you a sneak peek at my new logo. I have been working with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law on a new design for the blog. Hopefully I will be unveiling it soon!)

So there you have it. A sexy garden frog and my own bumper sticker. What more could a girl ask for? If you see me driving around town, make sure to wave. I’ll be the one with the “This Van Is Stacked” sticker on my back window, looking like she is daydreaming about hot amphibians.

**For those you who are new to the blog, this bumper sticker is referencing a music video I made with my husband and kids called “My Van Is Stacked.” It was kind of a minor, miniscule, micro Facebook and YouTube sensation…meaning it blew up among the kids at my daughter’s school and the dealer where we bought our minivan thought it was hysterical. You can go check it out here.

***If you like my sister-in-law’s design on the bumper sticker, go check out her work at Lone Orange Marketing Design.

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22 thoughts on “What Your Birthday Gifts Say About You

  1. The bumper sticker is so cool. Your guy is a great gift giver. I am lucky like that now but not for many years when the kids were home. Hungarian Work Horse and my son would go shopping and I believe I got every Ronco product ever made. You know the glass cutter the malt maker the dehydrator. Sheesh.


    1. I know. But now that you are a parent, you realize that your parents didn’t care that you gave them crappy gifts. But they probably made fun of you behind your back 🙂


  2. I am very impressed with the new logo and the window cling. However, if you truly think the frog is seductive, I am a little worried. Hopefully, your daughter was only thinking, “Cute!”


  3. Wow! I WANT that garden frog. I really do. Something about him speaks to me which is weird cause a) I have no garden or do I garden b) I hate frogs c) There is no c, I just want him..:(
    Fun post btw, following you now. 🙂


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