Swapping My Makeup for a Cosmetic Procedure

Confession: I wear at least a little bit of makeup every time I set foot out of the house. It’s for one reason, and one reason only. I have perpetual dark circles under my eyes. 

I can’t do anything about them. Trust me, I’ve tried. They persist despite how much sleep I get, how much water I drink, how expensive my eye cream is, or how faithfully I take my allergy medicine. They are as genetically determined as the shape of my lips and the color of my skin. I have accepted that…but not enough to not bemoan them on a daily basis.

Concealer is more essential to my morning routine than coffee. Sure, vanity is a large part of that. But it’s also to prevent the same conversation from happening over and over again. On the rare occasions I do find myself face-to-face sans makeup with someone else, I am almost always forced to assure the person that I am not sick or tired. So I much prefer taking a few extra minutes each day to mask my natural facade than consistently have to be like, “No, that’s just my face.”

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