Apparently All-Inclusive Attitudes Aren’t Part of the Resort Package

I’ve got a little bone to pick. And I’m warning you…I might get a little sassy.

This morning I sat down with my Cinnamon Chex and the Sunday funnies. Before reading the 74,502nd joke Dilbert makes at his boss’ expense, I immediately opened to the middle section to read one of my favorite columns, Life Sherpa by Joe Holleman. While I don’t always agree with his opinions, I really enjoy the common sense approach he applies to life; and he is usually good for a chuckle or two. Sometimes even a snort. He is kind of like a funnier, cooler, more likeable version of Dr. Phil. And he seems like a decent guy to have a beer with, which is one of my more discerning qualifications for liking people.

But I would be lying if I didn’t say I was a little miffed with today’s column. A reader by the name of “Eliza Dooalot” wrote in to vent her annoyance with parents who bring children to Mexican resorts or places like Las Vegas, thereby ruining the vacations of all the hard-working adults who paid good money for their trips. (Needless to say, I doubt I would want to have a beer with her. She would probably get all snippy that I brought my kids to the bar.) But I had no doubt that Sherpa would at least partially come to the defense of these parents she spoke of, seeing as how he is a man who usually acknowledges both sides of an argument.

I was wrong.

Instead, I felt a little betrayed. He painted parents of young children as people who think “the whole world finds their children as precious, fascinating and accomplished as they do.” He also states that the kids “can’t help that they were born to selfish people who are incapable of grasping the notion that they might have to give up some of their fun because they had children. And why should they? It’s so much easier to spoil everyone else’s good time than to deprive themselves.”

Oh, Sherpa. I would elaborate on more of what he wrote, but it’s just too painful to read again. But you can do so here, while I try to pull this knife out of my heart.

Now, I want to go on record as saying: Sherpa, I still love you. And I am smart enough to realize you don’t feel this way about all parents of young children. After all, you yourself are a parent, and your children were once young. And I will give it to you: there are irresponsible parents out there like those you speak of. We have all seen them, experienced them, perhaps even known some. I know I do. But if there is one thing that annoys me, it is generalizations. I can honestly say that 99.9% of the parents I know are NOT the kind of people described in the column, and they can’t be the only ones. It would be pretty silly to think I simply hit the jackpot when it comes to friends and acquaintances with children. Furthermore, if there is anything that gets me fired up, it is a misguided attack on something close to my heart.

So here is my rebuttal.

Kids Deserve Vacations Too

kid on airplane
Stock Photo by Sean Locke

Let’s start with the obvious: flying with young children to a Mexican resort. Please correct me if I am wrong, but Mexico has about as many vacation resorts as they do tortillas, many of which are designated as “adults only.” Problem solved. And if it is the “flying with children” part of the scenario that seems “inconsiderate,” well, let’s take a look at that. Flying with kids can admittedly be a disaster of epic magnitude waiting to happen. So, of course, “considerate parents” would simply choose vacation spots to which they can drive, therefore keeping the horrific deeds of their naughty children confined to their own family vehicles, right? First off, this notion suggests that certain people have more of a right to fly than others. But that is just ridiculous, so I won’t even address it. Believe it or not, in today’s economy, flying can often be a cheaper alternative to driving, especially when long distances are involved. Not only have gas prices been insane, but many parents who travel for work enjoy the benefit of frequent flyer miles which they save up and use to pay for family vacations. (Also astonishing is the fact that resorts, like those in say, Mexico, can also be paid for with points. And before you say “use your points at DisneyWorld,” I will mention that I can practically fly and stay at TWO Mexican resorts OR fly across the ocean to Ireland before I have enough points for a family of four to go to DisneyWorld. That’s what you call a Magic Racket.) Considering the rising costs of raising a family, maybe these parents aren’t being so selfish after all. Maybe they are just treating their children to a memory-making vacation while at the same time, saving money that can be used on more important things. Like college funds. Or mortgage payments.

What Happens in Vegas Isn’t Your Darn Business

Now, onto Vegas. I, for one, would never choose Vegas as a destination for a family vacation. I don’t think most parents would. Those card flippers on the strip are enough for me to keep my children outside a very large radius of the city…you know, the guys who hand out naked pictures of girls to promote Caesar knows what. However, it could be possible, just possible, that a family with small children might be in Vegas for another reason, like a convention or a tournament, of which they had no control over the location.

girl and showgirls
Photo from an article entitled “Family Fun: Expert advice for planning a kid-friendly Vegas trip.” Boo-ya!

Case in point: my brother played club volleyball as a kid. One year, Nationals were held in Reno. While Reno isn’t as soaked in debauchery as Vegas, there isn’t a whole lot more to do there than gamble. And guess what is in every hotel? A casino. And guess where the food court and restaurants were in the hotel? On the other side of the casino from the elevators up to the rooms. So every time a poor kid wanted a meal, he had to walk through the casino floor filled with chain-smoking old ladies at slot machines, groups of drunk guys yelling profanities at the craps table, and scantily clad bar maids wiggling what God gave them. The gamblers probably didn’t want the kids there, but neither did their parents. I guess the parents could have not let their children leave the hotel rooms, but no one wants to see or hear what happens when kids are confined for too long. Either be annoyed while gambling or have your sleep disrupted by adolescents bouncing off the walls next door. Your choice.

Basically what I’m saying is don’t assume you know the reason a family with young children might be in an unlikely place. The only thing unlikely about the situation is that the parents are “selfish people who are incapable of grasping the notion that they might have to give up some of their fun because they had children.”

Does This Look Like Fun to You?

annoying kid
Totally precious…not

Which brings me to another can of worms I want to open: kids misbehave. It is a fact as true as the laws of physics. And guess what? Even kids of good parents, well-intentioned, attentive, responsible parents, misbehave. And yes, it is annoying. But here is the most shocking part: NO ONE IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD IS MORE ANNOYED AT MISBEHAVING CHILDREN THAN THE PARENTS OF SAID CHILDREN. Is there a kid at the pool being a brat, yelling the theme song to “Go, Diego, Go” and splashing everyone within five feet of him? I suspect this might be the type of “other people’s children” that Miss Eliza Dooalot must suffer and “put up with” on her vacation. But who is really the one who has to put up with it? Sure, for people like Eliza and other bystanders, this behavior can be disruptive and agitating. But Eliza has a choice; a choice to find another area by the pool to relax, a choice to crank up the music in her earphones, a choice to leave. This child’s parents do not have that choice. They not only have to be badgered by it, but they also have to do something to remedy it. And might I add that most parents are not only frustrated in their child’s misbehavior despite trying to teach them manners and respect every chance they get, but they are also embarrassed that their failings are on display for all to see, and their reaction to it is likely being judged.

A perfect example of this unfortunately happened to a friend of mine several years ago. She was moving her family from St. Louis to London after her husband was transferred. He had gone to London ahead of the family to start work, so she was poised to make a trans-Atlantic flight alone with three small children. Things got off to a rocky start, and her kids were already whining and pushing limits as they boarded the plane. As she made her way to her seat, juggling three children and all their carry-ons, another passenger made some snide comment loud enough for her to hear. She turned to him and said something along the lines of, “If you think I’M having a good time here, you are SORELY mistaken.” If I had been on that plane, I would have given her a standing ovation.

The Moral of the Story

All of these above reasons are why I got so angry reading that column. And I am not an unreasonable person. I am actually probably a lot more “old school” than most older generations would accredit to someone of my generation. I have even proclaimed myself to be the world’s youngest cranky old woman. So for me to take offense to these attitudes means something. Parents KNOW their kids can be annoying to other people. We do get it, since other people’s kids annoy us sometimes, too. We are just able to cut them some slack because we know in our hearts that parenting bites everyone in the backside every now and again. And we don’t think everyone thinks they are cute and adorable. Heck, there are times when even WE don’t think that. So to imply that we are clueless, self-centered people who are not mortified if the actions of our children inconvenience other people is grossly irresponsible. Even worse, to imply that we are negligent enough to abandon our parental judgment to allow ourselves to have fun at the expense of our children and everyone else is downright hurtful.

Obviously, everyone has a right to feel however they want on this issue. All I am really asking is instead of rushing to judgment, perhaps adults without young children should consider the fact that they don’t have the whole story. The world revolves around no ONE person; we all have to share this planet, and occasionally a Mexican resort. That means we will step on each others’ toes sometimes, even if there is no malice intended. I can empathize with a hard-working person who is just looking forward to a relaxing vacation; hopefully that person can also empathize with the fact that parents on vacation with children really aren’t on vacation at all. But we go, for our kids. For our family. And to be frankly honest, it’s a free country and we can choose to vacation wherever we want. So do you.

So let’s mend the fences, Sherpa. I can respect your opinion. And now you know mine. All is forgiven. And if you want to hang out with some really fantastic moms who hold absolutely no delusions about the strengths AND faults of their children, usually posting the good and the bad on Facebook for you to block, come have a beer with us. It will even be my treat, since you’re still one of my favorite columnists. I’m even enough of a good sport to let you invite Eliza Dooalot. But she has to pay for her own beer. I work too hard trying to raise future productive members of society to waste my well-deserved mom’s night-out money on her unsympathetic attitude.

21 thoughts on “Apparently All-Inclusive Attitudes Aren’t Part of the Resort Package

  1. My first thought as I started reading this — ADULTS ONLY RESORTS Ms. Dooalot!! DUH! When planning our honeymoon my husband and I picked a resort that was adults only – just so we wouldn’t have to encounter kids… it was super simple, prehaps someone should write to her and explain this!!! 🙂 I, for one, would not bring my kids to an all inclusive, at least I have no intentions too (never say never, right?) just because if I am going somewhere with a swim up bar – you can bet your behind I am NOT spending my drinking/me/relaxing time swimming off my underwater bar stool every 10 minutes to take someone to the bathroom to help them wipe….that is most likely what I am trying to escape from in the first place 🙂


  2. This is such a great, thoughtful response! I’ve had enough of the attitude of the growing number of people who think they are entitled never to be inconvenienced. Excuse me? I am inconvenienced every single time I leave my house by, among other things, people’s rude driving, the constant need to conduct business loudly over cell phones, and rarely, by misbehaving kids. I can get apoplectic about it every time, thereby creating a need for blood pressure meds, or I can move on. Life is too short.


    1. Exactly…life IS too short. I am learning to live by that motto more and more everyday. There are worse things in life than having some kid annoy you on vacation. Perspective is not always easy to find in the moment, but it does make life more enjoyable when you do.


      1. Yes, you’re absolutely right that it’s easy for the moment to run away with you. My ability to maintain perspective depends on number of hours slept, relative health of children, and ounces of coffee drunk.


  3. Amen, sister! You make excellent points (and I don’t think you were too sassy — just making some good points that the Sherpa missed). And I, too, immediately had the thought “Adults-only-resort!” Geez, they’re not so hard to find.


  4. I was so excited to read this because I almost fell out of my chair reading the Sherpa this weekend! I did the same thing – kept waiting for him to take the other side too. And, the kicker is that we ARE going to an all-inclusive resort in Mexico soon. It is for Andy’s work and Maritz handles everything so you can bet your bottom dollar that they have made sure it is family friendly. There are over 100 kids on our trip. I always get nervous flying with the kids but after reading his column, I was really starting to freak out. BUT, I loved your friend’s response about how she isn’t really enjoying it either so now htat I have that in my back pocket, I am ready to go! Can you PLEASE write to the Sherpa? I will be watching every week for a letter from you now…


    1. Thanks, Kristen! I am glad I wasn’t the only one who had that reaction to the column. And I did send this post to Sherpa. I would write into the column, but brevity is not exactly my strong point. 🙂 Hope you have a GREAT time on your trip…and I hope you don’t have to use my friend’s line on the plane. We flew with the kids for the first time last year, and it actually went just fine.


  5. I loved this piece, thanks! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it on my train ride into work today,and I am a DINK who has taken those all-inclusive trips and totally felt for the parents. I’ve flown plenty of cross-country flights, and my heart has gone out to those parents. In fact, if it’s any consolation, I have traveled with my small dogs frequently and even gotten “those looks.” My favorites are the people who think they’re flying for free (um, no–more like to the tune of $300 both ways for both dogs to sit in a bag underneath the seat in front of me and my husband) or who ask me immediately, as soon as I sit done and shove the poor animals underneath there, “Is it going to bark the whole time?” My mother traveled to India and back on her own with three children under the age of 6 several times. God bless her because I know we weren’t easy, but because of those experiences as a child, I know to appreciate the mothers who are trying to do the same now. In general, I don’t understand today’s human thought process for most things, but I guess I’m just glad those jerks aren’t parents (or in the case of Sherpa, are done being parents to small children). You GO girl! There’s plenty of room for some sass out here!


    1. Thank you so much for your comment. People like you are a godsend to parents…you really have no idea what it can mean to a mom or dad struggling with misbehaving children to encounter a sympathetic adult…because the thing stressing us out the MOST in those situations is the worry that our kids are bothering other people. And you make a good point about pets as well…what else are you supposed to do?


  6. Kids can’t learn how to behave if they can’t experience anything.I get mad when people judge.Most parents know when their kids are acting up and do something about it.They don’t take the kids where the kids don’t belong and to pigeon hole people is crazy.I’d rather be with the kids than the people complaining.


    1. At least kids can still be cute when they complain! And you’re right, kids can’t learn how to behave in different situations unless they are exposed to them in the first place.


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